The RAC Trac Data
According to the American Hospital Directory, there are about 4,219 hospitals in the United States. About 2,200 of those hospitals provided data to the AHA during the first half of 2012 on the costs associated with RAC activities. About 75% of the hospitals reported that RAC activity had some impact on their operations, the single largest impact being increased administrative costs. Approximately 45% of the hospitals spent less than $3,300 per month because of RAC audits while about 8% of the hospitals spent over $33,300 per month on RAC activities. In terms of employee time, the hospitals reported that about 315 hours of employee time per month was devoted to RAC activities. In addition to internal costs, the hospitals reported that they spent about $33,000 per month on external resources required to address RAC issues. The AHA report on the RAC Trac survey data for the 1st quarter of 2012 is available here, and the 2nd quarter results are available here.
What the Future Holds
The expansion of recovery audits to physicians and other practitioners who participate in Medicare Part B raise two questions, the answers to which may have a profound impact on the Medicare program. In Part II of this post, I will discuss whether:
- Providers will decide that the amount they receive from Medicare justifies the costs necessary to manage RAC audits and appeals or whether some providers will eventually conclude that those additional costs make serving Medicare patients a losing proposition?
- The contingent fee arrangement under which the RACs are paid will influence the number of alleged improper claims the RACs find. It is not hard to imagine that as the volume of smaller dollar value claims audited by the RACs goes up, a greater percentage of reviewed claims will be found to be improper, as the RACs seek to maintain their profit margins. If this occurs, will the costs incurred by providers from this increased RAC activity drive providers out of the Medicare program?
Please contact us if we can be of any assistance with RAC audits or appeals or in helping to resolve an issue with any of the legion of CMS auditors in Medicare-Medicaid Audit World.